Days for Girls

Days for Girls (DfG) is a grassroots not for profit organisation creating a better future for girls by providing advocacy, reproductive health education and sustainable feminine hygiene products.

Without access to hygiene products, girls in many countries in the developing world can miss up to 8 months of school every 3 years and are much more likely to drop out altogether. A Days for Girls Kit lasts for three years and allows a girl to attend school every day of every month.

Feminine hygiene kits are sewn by many volunteers in groups or in their own homes. The sewn components are:

  • 2 Moisture barrier shields
  • 8 Liners
  • 1 Drawstring Bag.

Items that are needed to complete the kit are:

  • 2 Pairs of undies,
  • 1 Washer plus small soap
  • 2 Zip-lock bags

More information can be found on the website,

Additionally, you can follow Days for Girls in Australia on Facebook DaysforGirlsAustralia.

If you would like to be involved as a volunteer or would like to donate, the local Boonah Team is headed up by Hazel Overfield who can be contacted by email at

Boonah Church of Christ on Facebook
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